venerdì 28 novembre 2008

Four years ago

According to myspace, it has been four years, to the day, since I signed up. It's a bit of an odd anniversary. So much has changed in that time; I've grown over a foot, become a [mostly] confident gay man, gotten closer to God, had many men in my life, seen friends come and go, and completely changed my mind about my future. If I'd sat next to myself four years ago as I am today, I would not see the resemblance. I feel like I'm a totally different person. Luckily, I've held on to the good qualities (and perhaps adopted some new bad ones). I really like who I'm becoming. The future seems bright and I'm just so damn excited. There are so many things I want to do with my life and I feel like it's right there, waiting for me in the not-so-distant future. I've gotten to see my little sister blossom into a beautiful young woman, the marriages of two of my aunts and the births of my beautiful baby cousins.

Before I get too mushy and start quoting some cliché poem, I'm going to get to the point: We all change so much in 4 years time. We become different people.... or maybe that's just me. How have y'all changed? Where did you think you'd be by today? Did that pan out?

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