lunedì 17 novembre 2008

The blog with no name

I've been doing this weird thing lately.
I put my phone on silent, put it in a drawer and walk away from it for the rest of the day. I know, weird. Even weirder:
I love the disconnected feeling. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and I love talking to them and texting... I just need a rest sometimes. It's almost like I'm addicted. Wrong word... I have a reflex. I tend to use the phone when I'm bored.
By removing it from my life, I had enough time to:
-teach my sister one of the nerdy math songs i learned at CAMS:
"X equals negative B
plus or minus square root
B squared minus Four A C
all over 2 A"
-teach the new dog how to fetch my slippers
-rearrange my bookcase and finish my book.

My point (and i know this is really random) is that I spend too much time fiddling with my phone. It's a disconnect from the surrounding world. I really enjoy pretending I don't have a phone every once in a while. Some of you may want to try this. I recommend it.

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