giovedì 27 novembre 2008

Got a bad case of the warm and fuzies

On this holiday, I always try to remember all the people I'm thankful for. Things come and go, rights come and go but good people have a way of enduring:

Rachel. I cannot even begin to thank you. You're a big part of who I am today. If it weren't for your friendship and kind heart in those early years of high school, I might not be anywhere close to the person I am today. You make me hopeful. You make me think that people can be loving toward each other without prejudice. I owe you so much. I know that I really wasn't around for your birthday but I promise you that I'll make it up to you as soon as I can. Belated birthday dinner? Let me know what works best for you.

Amy. You're always happy for me no matter what's going on in your life. You are always there for me when I need to dish out the gossip or complain about something. I love that I even though I don't see you all the time, we can pick up where we left off at a moment's notice.

Erin. You're always ready to share in my anger, my spite, my jealousy. The proverb about misery loving company is SO true for us. haahaha. But really, you have a way of fighting most my battles for me and I love it. At the drop of a hat, you're there.

Alyssa. You listen to my ranting and act interested. See, most humans would just hang up or falll asleep but you listen and.... oddly enough, you seem to enjoy it. You're weird. That's ok, though. Normal, well-adjusted people creep me out.

Federico. You are so weird and quirky. In case I haven't said it enough yet: My life would be so boring without you. I love our random adventures. A couple hours with you on the town with you is way better than months of therapy. Seriously, I need to get my HMO to pay you.

I also want to thank all of the rest of you that have touched my life. I've been blessed to have so many good people in my life. A couple weeks ago I was actually depressed because I felt like all my friends had turned on me and said "I love you but you can't get married" when I realised that I have so many OTHER friends. I have SOOO many quality friends in my life. Honestly, it took a second for me to sit back and realise that I have WAY more than most people. I've been blessed to know so many people from so many walks of life and I simply couldn't be more thankful.

I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving. :]

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