giovedì 18 dicembre 2008


Yeah, I don't have one but it seems that somehow what I think and what other members of my side of the species think somehow has weight on what women do with theirs. Weird, huh? I was thinking about this today as I was starting my last final of the semester. I wanted to write it down before I forgot what it again. 

First of all, I want to praise all women that choose to have a child. They are the ones that carry the enormous weight of propogating the species and that's pretty cool. 

I was thinking about issues of morality and how I feel about things in regards to life and death and pregnancy. I have always been officially on the side of prochoice but I was never quite sure why. I guess it was just a gut feeling but I think I figured it out.

Let's face it, our society condones specific types of murder. We have war and the death penalty. No matter what you say about the reasons or the justifications, murder is murder.  We have, as a society, legitimized them. 

One thing we cant seem to agree on is if abortion should be allowed or if it should even be considered murder. At first, I bought into all of the arguments that say that a fetus is not actually a life for a period of time. Ins ome ways, those arguments do make sense. For a period of time, this organism growing and organizing itself in a womb is nothing more than a cluster of cells with no thoughts or consciousness. How do we know when that changes, though? We kill cells all the time by drinking too much or doing something else unhealthy. Heck, we can cut a piece of skin off and that is cellular murder. When does that pivotal change happen that gives this organism the necessary consciousness to truly experience the pain of death as a human does. When does it feel the agony of abortion? Why is this so wrong if the body seems to do it on a whim. It is basic knowledge that a woman's body will give priority to the woman's life if it has to choose between the two. I think that's something we can all agree on. If a woman's life is in danger, we should terminate a pregnancy. However, the woan's right to do it whenever she chooses is something I'm struggling with. Part of me wants to say that it is her body and she should be able to do with it as she pleases but another part reminds me that this creature inside the woman might actually be a tiny human being, capable of pain. I guess what I'm saying is that I can't even decide and it will never be my burden. I can't imagine ever having to contemplate this with the weight of real consequences hanging over my head. 

Then again..... I'm tempted to go down another train of logic. Nature has its own rules. These rules, call them divine animal law, are pretty simple. Animals exhist to live as long as they can so that they can pass down as much of their DNA as they can. Some animals can ovulate voluntarily while others can abort fetuses simply by willing it. It seems that in the animal world, you have to look out for number one. Whether that means eating or surviving by removing a predator or a pregnancy, it can involve some form of murder. 

Human beings, however, are special kinds of animals. We reject so much of the natural world. We've abandoned natural selection, some of us are actually vegetarians and we do things that animals would never do. That's not to say we have completely abandoned this "divine animal law". The question is, how much and which parts of this do we want to hold onto?

Postscript: I'm still going to support the prochoice agenda until I can definitively decide otherwise. 

lunedì 15 dicembre 2008

I just finished one final and was thinking about all the things I would be able to do now that the break was upon me and everyone I cared about was ot otherwise occupied with school. So, for those of you that will be in the area this winter break:

What're your plans? Let's hang out. Who's going to HATW/Alumni Luncheon at CAMS next week. Let's meet up, beezies.

mercoledì 3 dicembre 2008


Y'all are invited!

Hosted By: queer elac
When: Saturday Dec 13, 2008
at 9:00 PM
Where Art Share LA
801 East 4th Pl.
Los Angeles, California, 90013
United States
queer elac

Click Here To View Event on MySpace
Click Here To View Event on Facebook

lunedì 1 dicembre 2008

Predictable in a perfect way

I had an amazing weekend.

Thanksgiving: I spent the day with family. Drank wine with my parents, ate tons of food and then went out to this mini party where I met a few new people and reconnected with some people I'd met before. You know what? It was tons of fun. Nothing extraordinary happened. We sat around and talked/told jokes for the whole night. It wasn't even really a party because we didn't have music playing and no one was drinking. (Ok, I guess we were just hanging out but it's just easier to say it was a "party.") Anyway, It was a good night.

Black Friday: I decided that I would not partake in Black Friday shopping. Honestly, I'm so over all this present crap. I know I've been saying this for a couple of years now, but I mean it this year. I don't want anyone to feel like they need to buy me a present because, honestly, they don't. If it makes you happy, then by all means do so (I'm a size 11.5 shoe, 28Wx32L, s or xs shirt). All I want for Christmas is not some dvd; it's not even my two front teeth. What I want for Christmas is time with the people I care about. Let's go watch a movie or to a park or to an ice skating rink. Let's have finner or play or a board game. I really don't care. DVDs get scratched, cars get totaled, wool sweaters shrink, but people tend to last a little longer.

......which brings me to the next portion.

Family: I know I was seperating this by days but, you know what, this is my blog. I make the rules and these rules say I can change the categories on a whim. After spending a day in my pajamas, I went to the movies with my family. We saw Twilight and Four Christmases. Twilight was absolutely adorable. I loved it. It was everything I thought it would be. Four Christmases was a pleasant surprise, however. The movie was very honest, I thought. It dealt with a lot of the issues that I think I'll be dealing with in the next decade. Without getting into too much detail, it was a good movie. My family and I enjoyed the movies and then discussed them over a nice dinner.

Saturday: I spent more than FIVE HOURS at school working editting and laying out the page that I'm responsible for in the J101 edition of the school newspaper. I know I like to say that I hate school and that I would much rather be home.... but I had fun. I totally get along with the staff and would honestly love working for the newspaper. I really feel like I would fit in there. When we were done for the day, I headed home for a while before going out with Cierra. We went to the movies where we saw Role Models. FUUUUUUUUUUUN-NY. I could not stop laughing during that movie and I totally enjoyed hanging out with Cierra. Near the end of the movie, Edgar texted me to ask me if I wanted to go Rage. Soooooo, I went. I <3 Rage. Got to dance the night away and spend some time with one of my favorite mo's.

Today was just kinda boring. I woke up at 3 pm and worked on my article for a couple hours and then I realised that the UC application was due today. I scrambled onto the website and started to work on it. I took a few carefully planned breaks and even ate dindin with the fam. I was feeling pretty good at 11:45 because I had just finished writing my last personal statment. Then, IT happened. My computer froze. The screen just froze when I tried to go to the next screen. I had finished everything and now the screen had frozen right before I could actually submit it. I scrambled onto myt desktop computer and quickly redid the essay portion of the application and submitted it as fast as I could but, between switching computers and rewriting the essays from memory, I didn't "officially" submit it till 12:01. Moral of the story: Don't put it off till the last minute. I just hope they still take it because I was logged onto the system before midnight. I don't know. I'll call in tomorrow and ask. For now, I'm.... I don't think I'll sleep now. I have to be up a little earlier than usual in order to catch the bus. At this point, It'd just be easier for me to stay awake until then and drink a redline at noon when I'll get SUPER sleepy. I guess I'll just write my opinion piece for the newspaper in the meantime. I should be able to get it done by 6.