sabato 10 gennaio 2009

Homophobic A$$HOLE

I had a perfectly fine night with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends till the end of our meal at Denny's. He and I were  hugging to keep warm (it was cold near the door) while we waited for our friends to finish paying when a homophobe waiting to be seated did that idiotic "*cough* faggots" thing. I swear, it took all my will power to not spit in his face. I called him a biggot, a homophobe and a klan member (my boyfriend cussed at him) and we left.  We then found a yes on 8 lawn sign in the parking lot. Honestly, what's wrong these people. Is it not enough to them that they voted me into second class citizen status?! DO they have to ruin my night too. I know some of you may be tempted to say "Well, you shouldn't have been hugging in public." Don't even go there. That's a double standard. Straight couples hug in public all the time and it's considered cute. They may not like that I embrace the way my creator made me but that gives them no right to be so hateful. I don't go around insulting people just because I don't like them. The more I think about this and vent, the more that i realise that I'm not angry anymore. I feel pity for that pathetic little man that was SO affected by our mild display of affection. I pity him because he thinks insulting others will make him feel better of himself. Most of all, I pity him because he was short, fat, and had a receding hair line. :-)